Sunday Funday March 2023

Prayers and Praises

March has been quite a roller coaster ride. Caid turned 33, and we enjoyed celebrating him with amazing friends at a Brazilian Churrascaria. All the green things for St. Patrick’s Day, Sofia had some tests that she scored near perfect (644 out of 650), and is in the 90th percentile in Math, and 70s for Reading. We are so proud of her hard work! Rowan turned a teenager (13), and spring break was a lot of fun.

Big news for me: I’ve been feeling pretty bad the past couple of months: not horrible pain, but annoying, exhausting pain. When I saw the specialist, they found a polyp in my uterus. They are going to remove it, and do some other things to help me (Lord willing) be back to my normal self. It is a short surgery with quick recovery time, and I am just so glad to get answers, a solution, and get it all done with quickly.

Interweb Reads

From My Podcast: Money and Missions, Cussing in another Culture, and All my Homes

Missionary Stuff: Have a Failed my Children? (Amy Medina), When God surprises you with Abundance (A Life Overseas)

Other Stuff: 10 Thoughts on Building the Life you Love (Courtney Martin)


Sunfun April 2023


SunFun February 2023