How do you teach kids about Missions?

Having been a missionary since 2004, I know the importance of teaching kids about missions—that’s what drew me to missions in the first place. I love to do it. If you give me the option, I’d rather teach the kids than the adults. When I was speaking with one of the children’s pastors about planning out 2022, he asked me if I had something different I could do.

“We normally just do one missions event a year or something for the kids, but that isn’t how kids learn—they learn little bit by bit.” And so we went about planning a curriculum that could go bit by bit and be very flexible. Mission Moments for Kids was born.

If you would like to buy the whole thing (64 full color pages), here it is. It is $10. Otherwise, it is divided by month because you can use them in many different ways and different orders. Each month has an explanation page and four pages you can use with a box of information, a box of questions, and a box to pray for. You can cover it in 5-10 minutes during class, or send it home as something for the family to do. It is in full page size or bulletin size. And I have the graphics for you to put up on a screen if you’d like. It is all here. All free, all easy download.

The point of it all is this: I hope to help provide some resources that might help you teach the kids at your church about missions in a small-dose kind of way, instead of the big bang kind of way. If you’d like to chat more about it, write me at


Teaching Missions through Holidays


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