How to Use Teaching Tuesday

This blog, Teaching Tuesday, was created first for World Renewal Brazil, and second for everyone else. During Covid, I realized that my 17 years of teaching experience and all my teaching resources would get scrambled into the mix if I didn’t carefully find a way to organize and share it. Thus, my journey to create my English Teacher Resources book. But I knew I couldn’t get this copied and into the hands of everyone I wanted to share it with, so, like everyone else, I went digital, and Teaching Tusesday blog was my solution.


I have added some teaching things that are not about learning English, because I think they are important, but my 8 main classes, each with videos and a syllabus and pdfs/downloads for each class are here:

  1. Beginning English (VERY basic, mostly for children or those without much experience in school) This worked great with the Living Stones children!

  2. Singing English (also a beginning class, for students that need to move around and SING!)

  3. Introduction to English (For entry level English for students and adults)

  4. Growing English (part two of Introduction to English)

  5. American Holidays (You can make this an introduction class or advanced, diving into culture)

  6. Liturature (Going through the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe—more advanced)

  7. English Essays (A more advanced writing class, but actually very beneficial to native English speakers as well! How do you write a thesis?)

  8. Social Media (A more advanced English class, for all of my International school students who wanted to become YouTubers)

Honestly, I really love teaching English, and I have a lot of experience. It brings me such joy to be able to help others teach in fun and engaging ways. If you want to start teaching English as a foreign or second language, feel free to email me. I’d love to help.


How do you teach kids about Missions?


American Holidays Module