Thanksgiving Things

I had a lovely Thanksgiving. There were also two things that kept coming up enough over the holiday weekend that I said “If only for these two things, Thanksgiving would have been perfect.” But we always have our “two things” don’t we? Maybe we have many more. Maybe that is why holidays are such a mixed bag.

On her blog “Yet Still We Give Thanks” at website “Communicating Across Boundaries,” Marilyn R. Gardner said it much better than I ever could: “The older I get and the more I see the stitching unravel around me of things that used to be so put together, the more convinced I am that chasing beauty and giving thanks are necessary, the more convinced I am that somehow in the mystery of life these things matter. There is something in them that contributes to goodness, making it less fragile and more resilient…

Yet still we give thanks. Because every day that we get up and choose good, every day that we get up and decide to forgive, every day that we get up and say “God, I wish this wasn’t so, but it is and so I give thanks” we contribute to something bigger than ourselves. Every time we choose to give thanks in all circumstances it contributes to renewed life and hope, to resurrection.”

I hope to be able to say “Thank you” even for my two things. I hope you can someday too.


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Grievers and Celebrators